The 2013 conference is organized by University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin• Prof Brian Fynes – University College Dublin
• Prof Paul Coughlan – Trinity College Dublin
• Par Ahlstrom – Stockholm School Of Economics
• Eamonn Ambrose – University College Dublin
• Harry Boer – Aalborg University
• Katrin Dreyer – Gibney- Trinity College Dublin
• Vincent Hargaden – University College Dublin
• Marie Koulikoff – SKEMA Business School
• Donna Marshall – University College Dublin
• Ruth Kearney – Trinity College Dublin
• Louis Brennan – Trinity College Dublin
• Mark Pagell – University College Dublin
• Sean de Burca – University College Dublin
The Conference Hosts
University College Dublin (University College Dublin) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the leading universities in Ireland and ranked internationally, are co-hosting this event. Both universities collaborate in many ways, including the TCD-University College Dublin Innovation Alliance and Academy. We are hosting the Young Scholars Workshop and the main conference plenary and track sessions at the Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin, some 7 kilometres from the city centre. We are hosting the Doctoral Workshop and the conference dinner at TCD in the city centre.University College Dublin Quinn School of Business
University College Dublin has two Business Schools, the Quinn School of Business for undergraduate students located on the main campus at Belfield, and the Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School located in Blackrock some two kilometres from Belfield. We will host the Young Scholars’ Workshop and the conference at the Quinn School. University College Dublin has merited accreditation by the American College of Business accreditation, AACSB (International), EQUIS and AMBA. The Business Schools offer a wide choice of internationally recognised business degrees. The modern facilities and learning environment are internationally admired and offer access to all the latest technologies. For further information, please go to www.ucd.ieTrinity College Dublin
Trinity College, the single constituent college of the University of Dublin, was founded by Queen Elizabeth I in 1592. It is the oldest university in Ireland and one of the older universities of Western Europe. Based on the general pattern of the ancient colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, Trinity has a main campus extending over 40 acres in a unique site in the heart of the city. The TCD School of Business offers undergraduate, master’s and PhD degree courses to an increasingly international student body. The conference dinner will take place in The Dining Hall at Trinity College, one of the many buildings of historical significance in Dublin. For further information, please go to www.tcd.ieScientific Committee
Brian Fynes and Paul Coughlan will co-chair the Scientific Committee, drawn from the EurOMA community.Acur | Nuran | University of Strathclyde |
Adamides | Emmanuel | University of Patras |
Åhlström | Pär | Stockholm School of Economics |
Ahrweiler | Petra | University College Dublin |
Ambrose | Eamonn | University College Dublin |
Bengtsson | Lars | University of Gävle |
Betts | Teresa | Murray State University |
Bhakoo | Vikram | University of Melbourne |
Bititci | Umit | University of Strathclyde |
Boer | Harry | Aalborg University |
Brandon-Jones | Alistair | Manchester Business School |
Brennan | Louis | Trinity College Dublin |
Cagliano | Raffaella | Politecnico di Milano |
Caniato | Federico | Politecnico di Milano |
Chaudhuri | Atanu | Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow |
Chavez | Roberto | University College Dublin |
Childerhouse | Paul | Massey |
Coughlan | Paul | Trinity College Dublin |
Danese | Pamela | University of Padova, Department of Management and Engineering |
Davis | Paul | Dublin City University |
De Burca | Sean | University College Dublin |
de Leeuw | Sander | VU University Amsterdam |
Deflorin | Patricia | University of Zurich |
Demeter | Krisztina | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Disney | Stephen | Cardiff University |
Doran | Des | University of Sussex |
Dukovska-Popovska | Iskra | Aalborg University |
Fabbe-Costes | Nathalie | CRET-LOG - Aix-Marseille University |
Farooq | Sami | Aalborg University |
Ferdows | Kasra | Georgetown University |
Forza | Cipriano | University of Padova |
Fransoo | Jan | Eindhoven University of Technology |
Fynes | Brian | University College Dublin |
Gimenez | Cristina | ESADE Business School |
Gobbi | Chiara | Copenhagen Business School |
Godsell | Janet | Cranfield |
Größler | Andreas | Radboud University Nijmegen |
Grunow | Martin | Technische Universität München |
Hargaden | Vincent | University College Dublin |
Heaslip | Graham | National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Hendry | Linda | Lancaster University |
Holmström | Jan | Aalto University |
Holweg | Matthias | Cambridge |
Hopkins | John | Victoria University |
Hsuan | Juliana | Copenhagen Business School |
Humphreys | Paul | University of Ulster |
Jayaram | Jayanth | University of South Carolina |
Jenei | István | Corvinus University of Budapest |
Johansson | Mats | Chalmers |
Jonsson | Patrik | Chalmers University of Technology |
Kalchschmidt | Matteo | Università degli Studi di Bergamo |
Karlsson | Christer | Copenhagen Business School |
Keegan | Richard | Trinity College Dublin |
Klassen | Robert | Western University |
Koulikoff-Souviron | Marie | SKEMA Business School |
Kumar | Maneesh | Cardiff University |
Lawson | Benn | University of Cambridge |
Ledwith | Ann | University of Limerick |
Lewis | Michael | University of Bath |
MacBryde | Jill | Strathclyde Business School |
Machuca | Jose A.D. | University of Seville |
Marshall | Donna | University College Dublin |
Maylor | Harvey | Cranfield University |
McAdam | Rodney | University of Ulster |
McGarraghy | Sean | University College Dublin |
McIvor | Ronan | University of Ulster |
Mendibil | Kepa | University of Strathclyde |
Miemczyk | Joe | Audencia Nantes |
Neely | Andy | University of Cambridge |
New | Steve | Oxford University |
Olhager | Jan | Lund University |
Oraiopoulos | Nektarios | Cambridge University |
O'Reilly | Seamus | UCC |
Pagell | Mark | University College Dublin |
Palcic | Iztok | University of Maribor |
Perrone | Giovanni | Universita' degli Studi di Palermo |
Pires | Silvio | Methodist University of Piracicaba |
Platts | Ken | Cambridge |
Power | Damien | The University of Melbourne |
Prester | Jasna | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Bussiness and Economics |
Radnor | Zoe | Loughborough University |
Rhodes | Mary Lee | Trinity College Dublin |
Ribera | Jaume | IESE Business School |
Roden | Sinéad | University of Bath |
Rudberg | Martin | Linköping University |
Ryan | Jennifer | RPI |
Salgado-Pinto | Sofia | Catholic University of Portugal |
Scavarda | Annibal | Unisinos - University of the Sinos Valley |
Scherrer | Maike | Universityof St. Gallen |
Scholten | Kirstin | University of Groningen |
Selviaridis | Kostas | Lund University |
Seuring | Stefan | University of Kassel |
Sheu | Chwen | Kansas State University |
Singh | Prakash | University of Melbourne |
Slepniov | Dmitrij | Aalborg University, Center for Industrial Production |
Sousa | Rui | Catholic University of Portugal (Porto) |
Spina | Gianluca | Politecnico di Milano |
Spinler | Stefan | WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management |
Spring | Martin | Lancaster University Management School |
Squire | Brian | University of Bath |
Steenhuis | Harm-Jan | Eastern Washington University |
Stevenson | Mark | Lancaster University |
Stratton | Roy | Nottingham Trent University |
Strohhecker | Jürgen | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management |
Tachizawa | Elcio | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Taylor | Margaret | University of Bradford |
Taylor | Andrew | University of Bradford |
Thorstenson | Anders | Aarhus University |
Van der Vaart | Taco | University of Groningen |
Van Donk | Dirk Pieter | University of Groningen |
Vanpoucke | Evelyne | Maastricht University |
Vereecke | Ann | Vlerick Business School |
Vinelli | Andrea | University of Padova |
Vos | Bart | Tilburg University |
Voss | Chris | Wawick Business School |
Waehrens | Brian | Aalborg University |
Walker | Helen | Cardiff University |
Wänström | Carl | Chalmers University of Technology |
Wemmerlov | Urban | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Wiengarten | Frank | ESADE |
Wong | Chee Yew | Leeds University Business School |
Wynstra | Finn | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University |