GGAA 2013 GGAA 2013



The 2013 conference is organized by University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin
Prof Brian Fynes – University College Dublin
Prof Paul Coughlan – Trinity College Dublin
Par Ahlstrom – Stockholm School Of Economics
Eamonn Ambrose – University College Dublin
Harry Boer – Aalborg University
Katrin Dreyer – Gibney- Trinity College Dublin
Vincent Hargaden – University College Dublin
Marie Koulikoff – SKEMA Business School
Donna Marshall – University College Dublin
Ruth Kearney – Trinity College Dublin
Louis Brennan – Trinity College Dublin
Mark Pagell – University College Dublin
Sean de Burca – University College Dublin

The Conference Hosts

University College Dublin (University College Dublin) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD), the leading universities in Ireland and ranked internationally, are co-hosting this event. Both universities collaborate in many ways, including the TCD-University College Dublin Innovation Alliance and Academy. We are hosting the Young Scholars Workshop and the main conference plenary and track sessions at the Quinn School of Business, University College Dublin, some 7 kilometres from the city centre. We are hosting the Doctoral Workshop and the conference dinner at TCD in the city centre.

University College Dublin Quinn School of Business

University College Dublin has two Business Schools, the Quinn School of Business for undergraduate students located on the main campus at Belfield, and the Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School located in Blackrock some two kilometres from Belfield. We will host the Young Scholars’ Workshop and the conference at the Quinn School. University College Dublin has merited accreditation by the American College of Business accreditation, AACSB (International), EQUIS and AMBA. The Business Schools offer a wide choice of internationally recognised business degrees. The modern facilities and learning environment are internationally admired and offer access to all the latest technologies. For further information, please go to

Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College, the single constituent college of the University of Dublin, was founded by Queen Elizabeth I in 1592. It is the oldest university in Ireland and one of the older universities of Western Europe. Based on the general pattern of the ancient colleges at Oxford and Cambridge, Trinity has a main campus extending over 40 acres in a unique site in the heart of the city. The TCD School of Business offers undergraduate, master’s and PhD degree courses to an increasingly international student body. The conference dinner will take place in The Dining Hall at Trinity College, one of the many buildings of historical significance in Dublin. For further information, please go to

Scientific Committee

Brian Fynes and Paul Coughlan will co-chair the Scientific Committee, drawn from the EurOMA community.

Acur Nuran University of Strathclyde
Adamides Emmanuel University of Patras
Åhlström Pär Stockholm School of Economics
Ahrweiler Petra University College Dublin
Ambrose Eamonn University College Dublin
Bengtsson Lars University of Gävle
Betts Teresa Murray State University
Bhakoo Vikram University of Melbourne
Bititci Umit University of Strathclyde
Boer Harry Aalborg University
Brandon-Jones Alistair Manchester Business School
Brennan Louis Trinity College Dublin
Cagliano Raffaella Politecnico di Milano
Caniato Federico Politecnico di Milano
Chaudhuri Atanu Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Chavez Roberto University College Dublin
Childerhouse Paul Massey
Coughlan Paul Trinity College Dublin
Danese Pamela University of Padova, Department of Management and Engineering
Davis Paul Dublin City University
De Burca Sean University College Dublin
de Leeuw Sander VU University Amsterdam
Deflorin Patricia University of Zurich
Demeter Krisztina Corvinus University of Budapest
Disney Stephen Cardiff University
Doran Des University of Sussex
Dukovska-Popovska Iskra Aalborg University
Fabbe-Costes Nathalie CRET-LOG - Aix-Marseille University
Farooq Sami Aalborg University
Ferdows Kasra Georgetown University
Forza Cipriano University of Padova
Fransoo Jan Eindhoven University of Technology
Fynes Brian University College Dublin
Gimenez Cristina ESADE Business School
Gobbi Chiara Copenhagen Business School
Godsell Janet Cranfield
Größler Andreas Radboud University Nijmegen
Grunow Martin Technische Universität München
Hargaden Vincent University College Dublin
Heaslip Graham National University of Ireland Maynooth
Hendry Linda Lancaster University
Holmström Jan Aalto University
Holweg Matthias Cambridge
Hopkins John Victoria University
Hsuan Juliana Copenhagen Business School
Humphreys Paul University of Ulster
Jayaram Jayanth University of South Carolina
Jenei István Corvinus University of Budapest
Johansson Mats Chalmers
Jonsson Patrik Chalmers University of Technology
Kalchschmidt Matteo Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Karlsson Christer Copenhagen Business School
Keegan Richard Trinity College Dublin
Klassen Robert Western University
Koulikoff-Souviron Marie SKEMA Business School
Kumar Maneesh Cardiff University
Lawson Benn University of Cambridge
Ledwith Ann University of Limerick
Lewis Michael University of Bath
MacBryde Jill Strathclyde Business School
Machuca Jose A.D. University of Seville
Marshall Donna University College Dublin
Maylor Harvey Cranfield University
McAdam Rodney University of Ulster
McGarraghy Sean University College Dublin
McIvor Ronan University of Ulster
Mendibil Kepa University of Strathclyde
Miemczyk Joe Audencia Nantes
Neely Andy University of Cambridge
New Steve Oxford University
Olhager Jan Lund University
Oraiopoulos Nektarios Cambridge University
O'Reilly Seamus UCC
Pagell Mark University College Dublin
Palcic Iztok University of Maribor
Perrone Giovanni Universita' degli Studi di Palermo
Pires Silvio Methodist University of Piracicaba
Platts Ken Cambridge
Power Damien The University of Melbourne
Prester Jasna University of Zagreb, Faculty of Bussiness and Economics
Radnor Zoe Loughborough University
Rhodes Mary Lee Trinity College Dublin
Ribera Jaume IESE Business School
Roden Sinéad University of Bath
Rudberg Martin Linköping University
Ryan Jennifer RPI
Salgado-Pinto Sofia Catholic University of Portugal
Scavarda Annibal Unisinos - University of the Sinos Valley
Scherrer Maike Universityof St. Gallen
Scholten Kirstin University of Groningen
Selviaridis Kostas Lund University
Seuring Stefan University of Kassel
Sheu Chwen Kansas State University
Singh Prakash University of Melbourne
Slepniov Dmitrij Aalborg University, Center for Industrial Production
Sousa Rui Catholic University of Portugal (Porto)
Spina Gianluca Politecnico di Milano
Spinler Stefan WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
Spring Martin Lancaster University Management School
Squire Brian University of Bath
Steenhuis Harm-Jan Eastern Washington University
Stevenson Mark Lancaster University
Stratton Roy Nottingham Trent University
Strohhecker Jürgen Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Tachizawa Elcio Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Taylor Margaret University of Bradford
Taylor Andrew University of Bradford
Thorstenson Anders Aarhus University
Van der Vaart Taco University of Groningen
Van Donk Dirk Pieter University of Groningen
Vanpoucke Evelyne Maastricht University
Vereecke Ann Vlerick Business School
Vinelli Andrea University of Padova
Vos Bart Tilburg University
Voss Chris Wawick Business School
Waehrens Brian Aalborg University
Walker Helen Cardiff University
Wänström Carl Chalmers University of Technology
Wemmerlov Urban University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wiengarten Frank ESADE
Wong Chee Yew Leeds University Business School
Wynstra Finn Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University