GGAA 2013 GGAA 2013

Young Scholars Workshop

Targeted at young OM academics in general and alumni of the EurOMA Doctoral Seminar in particular, the EurOMA Young Scholars Workshop is conceived as a way to support the career development of young scholars in the field of Operations Management by teaching and sharing with them major skills needed in an academic career. Important skills include:
  • Supervising MSc and PhD students.
  • Teaching Operations Management to MSc and MBA students.
  • Designing and developing research projects in Operations Management – From concept to publication.
  • Career development – managing your way through academia.
Each year one of the above subjects is developed on a rolling base. At the same time, the initiative is aimed at developing the community of young OM scholars, keeping the network alive and providing opportunities to meet and discuss relevant topics.

Supervising MSc and PhD students

The theme for the 2013 workshop is Supervising MSc and PhD students.
The workshop will consist of three presentations from experienced supervisors, all members of EurOMA and working in the field of Operations Management. Furthermore, there will be ample time for networking and sharing experiences. A more detailed program will be available soon.

Target group and eligibility

The target group of the workshop is young OM academics who aim at a continued academic career. Priority is given to EurOMA Doctoral Seminar alumni. At least two years involvement in academic job activities is required, e.g. supervising and teaching, apart from the applicant’s own PhD research project. The number of participants is limited to 30 people, who have registered for the conference.
The 2013 workshop is open to EurOMA members participating in the 2013 annual conference, who have presented their PhD thesis between 2007 and 2011.


Young scholars who participated in the 2012 workshop will receive an invitation and have to confirm their participation in the 2013 workshop by sending an e-mail to before April 20, 2013.

First time applicants are requested to send a CV and proof of their EurOMA membership by e-mail to before April 20, 2013.

Notification of acceptance will be sent out not later than April 30, 2013.

The workshop

  • Date: Sunday 9 June 2013
  • Theme: Supervising MSc and PhD students
  • Time: 09.00 – 13.30
  • Location: Quinn School, UCD - room to be announced
  • Fee: included in the conference fee

Outline Programme

 09:00  Welcome and opening
 09:15  Harry Boer  Aalborg University  “Supervisory do’s and don’ts”
 10:15  Break
 10:30  Kate Blackmon  Oxford University  “Supervising and your career”
 11.30  Jan Olhager  Lund University  “Supervising students -
 approaches and challenges”
 12:30  Break
 12:45  Plenary discussion
 13.30  Closure


Professor Harry Boer, Center for Industrial Production, Aalborg University. E-mail: